The lite and web client of Crypti. It connects to other nodes on the Crypti network to make the blockchain download and syncing obsolete. If you want to use API calls or be a delegate, please use the Crypti: Delegate & Developer Edition.
Web Login
• Instant Access right in your browser
• SSL encrypted connection
• Requires JavaScript
The full Crypti client for Delegates and Developers. Allows delegate forging, provides blockchain download and includes the complete API.
Please use our Docker Image to install Crypti: Delegate & Developer Edition v0.5.4 on Windows.
Docker Image
• For Windows, Mac OSX and Linux
• All functionality included
• In one simple Docker Image -
ARM v6
• For ARM v6 based computers like:
• Raspberry Pi Zero
• Raspberry Pi 1 -
Every Node.js and JavaScript developer can create and deploy his own decentralized application in its own sidechain onto the Crypti network.
• Crypti Command-Line Interface
• Develop Decentralized Applications
• Create your own local testnet -
You can always contact team and community members on our Crypti Chat. A self-hosted chat platform setup to help delegates, developers and users.
Interested in downloading an older version? No problem, we got you covered!